Sunday Service at 9:30am


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Communion Policy:  Lutherans invite those to the Lord’s Supper who are truly repentant, believe Christ’s promise of remission of sins, and confess the “real presence” of His body and blood in the sacrament.  Confirmed church members have been instructed in these teachings and they announce that they have conscientiously examined themselves in preparation for communion by “registering.”  Kindly speak to an usher, elder, or the pastor for more information.  Only Lutherans commune, but others are encouraged to attend classes with the pastor who will explain such matters on the basis of Bible teachings.  They are then invited to become communicant church members. 

Adults Joining the Church:  Church Membership Instruction for Adults (CMIA) classes are conducted periodically.  These classes also serve for church members’ review or reinstatements.  Adult baptisms, confirmation, and reaffirmations are scheduled after the classes, but especially, if possible, at the Easter Vigil.  Lutherans new to the area should promptly request membership transfers from their previous parish.  Regular church attendance is the first step toward membership. 

Sacramental Preparation for Families: Older children attend two years of weekly catechism classes usually held during the 7th and 8th grades, concluding with Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.  Parents may consult with the pastor to enroll their children in communion preparatory sessions and for information about parish expectations.

Child Baptisms: Preferably before childbirth, parents should consult with the church office for information regarding baptismal preparation sessions. 

Vocations of Marriage:  Make arrangements at least six months in advance for pre-marital preparation.  Church weddings are for church members.

Rites of Reconciliation:  Individual/private confession and absolution by appointment with the pastor is encouraged.  Arrangements may also be made for personalized pastoral ministry, individual counsel, and confidential conversation with the pastor.  Feel free to contact the pastor anytime.  

Spiritual Care Ministry:  Promptly notify the church office of needs or illness, also for altar prayer requests, anointing and prayer for the sick, and/or requests for the congregation’s prayer list.  Communion is taken to the sick on a regular monthly basis as requested.

Parish Involvement:  Ours is a fine expression of Lutheranism in the context of a loving congregation serving the needs of people today.  Church members are encouraged to be active in parish life, using various opportunities for service, study, and fellowship.  The church consists of all and exists for all:  children, youth, teens, adults.  Our “word and sacrament ministry” nourishes internal growth and empowers us for evangelistic outreach.  Various activities, programs, and service opportunities include the Social Ministry Committee, Evangelism and Outreach, Prayer Chain, summertime Vacation Bible School, teaching Sunday School, annual sandwich project, etc.